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The Homesteader's Newsletter > Annual Appeal and Membership Renewal
Annual Appeal and Membership Renewal

Nov 15, 2019

Dear Members:

This is a reminder that the HSOT 2019 Annual Appeal and Membership Renewal campaigns are underway and we need your help.

Our Annual Appeal is the vehicle we rely upon to support the day to day expenses of your very active Society. Remember we are an all-volunteer organization so 100% of your contribution goes directly to fund our facilities and program expenses. Once again, please help the Historical Society to continue all of this fine work by making a donation again this year. All contributions are tax-deductible as allowable by law. Thank you for your continuing generosity and support; we truly could not exist without you!

If you wish to make a contribution this year, either send in the donation form you received in the mail or click on the following link to download a PDF donation form:


Also, a reminder that Membership Renewal forms were sent out with the November issue of the Lumber Shover. We hope you will continue your support of the HSOT by renewing your membership.

Thank you!!

Official Home:  The Historical Society of the Tonawandas, Inc.
Museum and General Office:  113 Main Street, Tonawanda, NY, 14150-2129
(716) 694-7406     Email  tonahist@gmail.com
© 2023 Written authorization required.