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HSOT April Program and River Station History
HSOT April Program and River Station History
Apr 5, 2019
Nikola Tesla: The Man—The Inventor Wednesday, April 10, 2019, 7:00 PM North Tonawanda City Hall – Council Chambers 216 Payne Avenue
Join us to welcome Dr. Francis Lestingi, Professor Emeritus in History of Science and Physics, SUNY Buffalo State College who will present a dynamically illustrated projection lecture on Nikola Tesla. Find out how Tesla electrified our civilization in 1897 when he figured out how to use alternating current to transmit hydroelectric power from Niagara Falls to Buffalo. Learn about Tesla’s youth, education, stunning inventions, the “War of the Currents” and his connection to notables of the time like George Westinghouse.
Dr. Lestingi has put together an exciting program on this amazing immigrant who spoke eight languages, produced the first motor that ran on AC current and developed underlying technologies for things that continue to affect our lives today.
Mr. Paul Swisher, retired teacher from North Tonawanda and Director of Education for the Buffalo-Niagara Tesla Council, will also be on hand to announce the educational celebration of Nikola Tesla’s life and the upcoming unveiling of the Tesla statue in September marking the inventor’s 163rd birthday.
Please note the N.T. City Hall Council Chamber is handicapped accessible at the back of the building. The door faces the Police Department and an elevator brings you right up to the doors into the Council Chamber.
Buffalo General Electric Company River Station History
The HSOT website has a new feature, the Buffalo General Electric Company River Station History, featuring 20 photos from the HSOT Huntley Collection. You can view the article at:
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